Sunday, May 25, 2014


Latitude and Longitude: 45.5000 N, 73.5667 W.
Population: 1,866,481 (In 2011)
Population Density: 3,779.1 per square kilometre
Landform Region: Great Lakes/St Lawrence Lowlands
Climate Region: Humid Continental / Hemiboreal
Types of Industries:
Primary - Tobacco farming.
Secondary - Electronic goods, aerospace, software engineering
Tertiary - Shipping
Tourist Attractions: Mont-Royal, Science Center, Notre Dame Basilica
National Parks Near City: La Mauricie National Park, St. Lawrence Islands National Park, Georgian Bay Islands National Park
Cultural Celebrations: Israel Independence Day Rally.

   We made it to Montreal! Everything around us was so vintage looking and beautiful, especially the shops on Boulevard Saint-Laurent! After our shopping trip, Cheyenne and I visited the Jean-Talon and Atwater markets, and oh my goodness, it was like food heaven! They had everything from fruits to gourmet pizzas to pork spreads! I could hardly believe my eyes!

    That's about it this time! Off we go to Saskatoon! C:

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